All important information about AVENTURIA "2.0" (working title) and the upcoming crowdfunding: For whom is this video interesting? [Für wen ist dieses Video interessant?] - First of all, of course, for all AVENTURIA fans - Anyone who has heard of AVENTURIA and has been thinking about trying it out (spoiler: now is the ideal time) - TDE fans who are in the mood for some smaller, quicker fare in between games - Friends of cooperative card games, but also solo card games - Fans of games with a fantasy background in general The most important facts about Aventuria 2.0 and crowdfunding [Die wichigsten Fakten zu Aventuria 2.0 und Crowdfunding] - Crowdfunding in German and English - of course two versions per box, not multilingual - That's why it's also running on Gamefound (internationally popular with board/card gamers, so lots of reach/potential for new players) - Already pre-bookable (which 700+ people have already done) - Start on Tuesday(!) the 24.09.2024 - Will run for 3 or 4 weeks - Crowdfunding runs via SPIEL. With demo rounds! - Before the crowdfunding there will be further stream(s?), also with information about what is planned in the crowdfunding itself - All WIP, but already very far - NOTE: I will also update my AVENTURIA-Guide (atm onle in German) in the near future! There was a lot of information in the 2-hour stream on Wednesday, from which the highlights now follow: Details from the announcement stream at Ulisses [Details aus dem Ankündigungsstream bei Ulisses] - How did Aventuria come to live? [Wie ist Aventuria entstanden?] Development from dueling to cooperative play Also development of the adventures (e.g. Inn of the Black Boar) Development of the Director's cut, story mode and legend mode -> closer and closer to the role-playing game (light) But: AVENTURIA always became an expert game, which was not the goal at all Aventuria actually has the potential to get many people playing for the first time - What does this mean for further development? [Was folgt daraus für die Weiterentwicklung?] After Stories and Legends, they wanted to think about the basics: change what doesn't work well or is confusing Rules should not stand in the way They wanted a new Aventuria, but they didn't want to change everything. - Why was it in development for so long? [Wieso war es so lange in Entwicklung?] (Note: The development of German products was always approx. 1 year ahead until Stories & Legends) First came Corona, then the war in Ukraine -> That delayed everything But it also gave them the opportunity to optimize everything -> Rules and concept have gone through many loops That's why Markus is sad about the delays, but he can also take something positive from it, because the game has only become what it is now - AVENTURIA 2.0: What makes the new AVENTURIA so special? [AVENTURIA 2.0: Was macht das neue AVENTURIA aus?] Markus: It is nothing less than the next level of Aventuria I personally think it's important to differentiate between the rules and the concept: Rules-wise (basic update; optimized/streamlined): AVENTURIA 2.0 - but not completely different Here: Definitely further development, not a fundamentally new game on the rules side Mythic Tales and Path of Legends are the new "standard", but not everything has been adopted (e.g. no interludes) On the rules side, therefore, a (fundamental) update of the rules and the new standard for all future products Conceptual (new game concept): The new AVENTURIA is NOT an expansion! It is a new game (concept) The idea of Aventuria has been reconsidered Away from basic box and adventures/expansions towards stand-alone campaigns (i.e. everything included!) in a large campaign box You can start completely new with every campaign Expansions are only available for hero sets (1 hero + sidequest adventures that can be integrated into the campaigns) Heroes remain interchangeable between the boxes Completely new approach: coherent story over 10 adventures with almost 30 acts for 1-6 players Campaign also offers the option of free play, i.e. only 1 adventure One Shot or free campaign (as in 1.3) Shortcuts are possible in the adventure if you want to fight directly Question: What is the difference to single adventures? Development analogous to other games -> step towards stories and all adventures are linked together Leveling up works differently than in Path of Legends. Depends on the adventure with specific reward cards etc. A wealth of experience remains Individual story for each group - AVENTURIA 2.0: What has changed in the rules? [AVENTURIA 2.0: Was hat sich an den Regeln geändert?] No details, but among other things: Mythic Tales and Path of Legends are the new "standard", but not everything has been adopted (e.g. no interludes) No more extra effect at 1 and 20 Adjustments to enemy categories Interlude not compatible with the campaign. Decided against using it there. Rather clean progression - but possible in free play - What happens with AVENTURIA 1.0 or 1.3? How compatible is it? [Was passiert mit AVENTURIA 1.0 bzw. 1.3? Wie kompatibel ist das?] (the last version was 1.3, Stories and Legends kind of 1.5) AVENTURIA 1.3 is available in parallel and can still be played as is There will be no reprint of 1.3 material Markus takes a question about map pdfs for (old) AVENTURIA as an open question Elements of 1.3 will flow into 2.0 in a revised form Some 1.0 maps no longer work in 2.0. But then you can come up with your own adaptations Old material can therefore also be linked well, but this may require some work. Old heroes are compatible, but with a few changes. And vice versa too! Adventures are also compatible for the most part, with adaptations if necessary Question: will there be conversion rules? No, Markus doesn't think that's necessary. But perhaps there will be an FAQ on the website. It's a cooperative game: the round makes the rules But not that many major changes have been made to the rules. A lot has been cleaned up, e.g. no more duel mode, so some cards are different Many formulations have been adjusted, but almost every card has been changed as a result There will (cannot) be an upgrade kit, as almost all cards in the new box have been changed - Do I have to buy it all new now? (only for old players) [Muss man das jetzt alles neu kaufen? (nur für Alt-Spieler)] Not a clear yes or no from my point of view, because it's a different game: Familiar content is included, especially adventures - but rearranged and above all embedded in a continuous story with a common thread and new mechanics Heroes significantly revised and therefore new heroes (also visually) Rules have been optimized, standardized, simplified Insert for classification by me: (please also refer to my comparison overview PDF) AVENTURIA 2.0 (if you want to call it that, it doesn't quite fit and is only the "working title" - for me, 2.0 mainly refers to the rules) will not replace everything from 1.3. This is not a pure "update" of 1.3, it only takes up individual elements from 1.3 and reworks them in 2.0 + adds completely new material. Therefore, you will probably have a lot of material that will be available in 2.0 for many years or even never(!) and that you can continue to play with 1.3 - or you can adapt it to 2.0. So it is by no means the case that a previous collection would suddenly be completely worthless :) A few details: "Mythical Stories" has extensive adventures (especially The roque shall die and Under Northern Lights) that probably won't appear in new form in 2.0 anytime soon (if ever). You can continue to play them in 1.3 or adapt them for yourself in 2.0. "Path of Legends" offers upgrades for many heroes that will not be available in 2.0 any time soon (if at all), plus there are many reward and action cards that 2.0 does not officially provide for, but which can be added there or used there if you combine adventures yourself in free play (then possibly with the interlude that "Chalices of Power" no longer provides for) All hero sets: So far there are none of them in 2.0 and it will be a long time before most of them are available in 2.0. Most of the old heroes can also be adapted to 2.0 (a few cards will work differently or no longer work at all, but if you identify them, you can adapt them or play one hero with his own special rules) or continue to play the heroes with 1.3. "Inn of thze Black Boar": it is not yet known if or when this will come in 2.0. And if it does, it will probably be heavily modified, as it wasn't even really compatible with myths and legends, i.e. it neither had a director's cut nor could it really cope with enhanced heroes (card specifications!). You also have to adapt that for 1.3/Stories & Legends now - that works just as well or just as badly on 2.0. "Tears of Fire": Similar to "Inn". There was already a significantly modified DC in Mythical Stories, so you have 2 different games here. Which of these will be in 2.0 and when is currently completely open. We will probably be able to experience the basic box and The Stone Ship again to a large extent in the new Aventuria in a new form in "Chalices of Power" (this is not yet known exactly - and probably not all adventures either). But here, too, the adventures are available in adapted form, the heroes have been completely revised (i.e. they are real alternatives to the 1.3 heroes from the boxes). And everything can still be used for your own 1.3 games. In addition, I personally(!) find the price point of around 100 € (even just for 6 new heroes (variants) and X(?) completely new adventures) not so bad compared to individual hero sets or single adventure boxes (which will no longer be available in 2.0). The "rest" (i.e. new rules, revised "old" adventure Director's cuts incl. their links to the new campaign, game material) would then be "on top" in the view (which of course you don't have to share). (I'm including the Silvana bonus PDF with the Director's Cuts here - without that, the leap is definitely much bigger) Borbarad and Nedime are known to return in "Curse of the Desert". If you have both of them, you have to decide whether the new hero, connection to the mini-campaign and new rules are enough for you to get the box. After all, in 1.3 you usually play them stand-alone anyway and can therefore see them separately from the other material :) If you only own one of the two solos anyway, the box with the other solo and the new hero is worth it for that alone (also in terms of price). PS: In the end, you still have the option of reselling the 1.3 material in order to at least partially "counter-finance" 2.0. Of course, you have to a) be sure that you don't want to play any more of it under 1.3 and b) weigh up, depending on the product, whether you want to do without the elements that are not available in 2.0 (e.g. 1.3 variants of the basic heroes, possibly individual adventures) - or their adaptation to 2.0. But how you weigh this up is probably very individual. Perhaps all this will help a little with the classification with a few comprehensible approaches/arguments :) Crowdfunding: Contents of the crowdfunding [Crowdfunding: Inhalte des Crowdfundings] - What does the first multiplayer campaign consist of? (Woraus besteht die erste Multiplayer-Kampagne?) Chalices of Power Campaign 1-6 players. 10 adventures, 29 acts, 120 page booklet(s), hundreds of cards. LP wheels, dice, markers etc. New promo/beginner adventure Potion Tester's Drinking Horn Minimum 60 h playing time (per run) - What else is coming in crowdfunding? [Was kommt sonst noch im Crowdfunding?] Solo campaign The Curse of the Desert. Nedime and Borbarad are merged With his own hero: a Blessed One of Phex There will also be character progression in the solo campaign The solo box is also completely playable on its own The solo has a few other mechanics, but the cards can also be used for everything 3 new hero sets All natural with both genders Each hero has a sidequest (1-act adventure) Sidequests can be integrated into the campaign Summoner of the elements - Draconia Elementalist with the adventure "Outlaw's Watch" Master of mischief - Rascal with the adventure "Lost in Ras Tabor" Daughter of the Manticore - Korge Consecrated (can transform into Manticore) with the adventure "People who don't play" (revised) This makes a total of 10 new heroes in crowdfunding New game mats A large adventure mat and a universal hero mat The Aventuria sleeves from the last crowdfunding (not suitable for double sleeves) Strechgoals A stretch goal of the campaign: your own deep target part for the box. If that doesn't work out, however, compartments as standard in the box. - What has changed about the cards? (using cards from the crowdfunding as an example) [Was hat sich an den Karten geändert?] (more details can be found in the Ulisses stream (but only in German) Action cards: Every card should be good. No more clear endurance cards / The dilemma should be even bigger Elven bow has been pimped. Stalking is completely new. There used to be a lot of duplicate cards, but that didn't make sense. Therefore new cards matching the character Trait cards have been changed like in the myth bonus box There are no more red cards (e.g. Luck and Balm), this has been replaced by: "Discard this card afterwards" for less complexity There are more cards that use talents on cards There are more suitable weapons for heroes And even more changed and new cards As I said, there were a lot of details here. You have to watch the stream/video for that 😁 Reward cards: 7 chalices are part of the campaign Hero cards: New images and names, adjusted stats The opposite gender is now on the back of the card, the special skill is set with a marker There is no longer a restriction on cards in deck building Some henchmen have new categories - How much will the whole thing cost? [Was wird das Ganze denn kosten?] These are all approximate prices! Probably shop prices. Price direction: roughly estimated for Chalice campaign 100 €, solo campaign 60 €, hero sets 20-25 € each (German prices) - What will upcoming campaigns/crowdfundings involve? [Was bringen kommende Kampagnen/Crowdfundings?] The campaigns will be a mixture of old adventures in revised form and new adventures. The same is planned for the heroes There will also be team challenges at cons Markus has promised bump bugs in the upcoming campaign, i.e. they are probably planning an Orkland campaign (probably based on the Orkland trilogy; so lots of new material!)